What To Do If You Are Passed a Book

Add your petition and pass the book onto someone who will do the same. Please send the book back when full or if you have no one you can pass it to. The deadline of April 1. 2011, is to avoid the postal increase set to happen mid April. Send it back even if you miss the deadline. By putting the Petition Box Project address as the return address also, the additional postage will be covered on this end.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Next?

I had the serendipitous pleasure of taking part in Tino Segal's "This Progress" at the Guggenheim this past winter just as I was starting the Petition Box Project. Fortunately, I was unaware of the work before walking into the museum. It was an exciting interaction and in a way, affirmation that there is value in the art of engagement. For those who are not familiar with Segal's work, here is a brief excerpt from a paper I'd written in Feb 2010:

I was greeted as I started up the rotunda ramp of the Guggenheim Museum in NYC, by an eight year old looking boy named Eric. He stepped right in front of me, hands behind his back, head cocked and looking me straight in the eyes said, “Can I ask you a question?” How could I resist?

“Is progress a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked. I had to do a double take and a question of my own popped into my head unspoken, “What kind of eight year old asks a question like that?” I responded, that it depended upon how we define progress, to which he asked how I defined it. I was again stunned at the level of engagement from such a young museum ‘goer’.

As we made our way up the ramp, Eric peeled off and a teenage boy picked up the conversation where we left off. The realization that this was not an ordinary museum “goer”, but possibly part of something bigger dawned on me as we proceeded up the ramp, continuing a more indepth conversation about progress. Before we finished, the young man was replaced by a middle-aged woman who also picked the threads about progress and we continued upward. The questions and conversation became more complex and the issue of progress was becoming both positive and negative, sometimes waffling back and forth within the same thought. Finally an older man named Bob tied up the last of the conversation before walking away, his final words were a credit to the artist, Tino Sehgal and his piece, "This Progress". 

I was invigorated and excited about this new type of aesthetic experience.


  1. Luey,

    I also had the pleasure of taking part in This Progress...in my case I happened upon the Guggenheim (my first visit, actually) on opening day... it wasn't until the top of the ramp that I figured out what was going on.

    Like you mentioned, I was completely unaware of the exhibition and I think it worked better that way...certainly avery thought-provoking piece.

  2. Hi LIncoln,

    I think I saw the exhibit at a time when I was also ready to have a different perspective of what constitutes art. The other two exhibits, Anish Kapoor's Memory and the one about using the atrium space in alternative ways seemed like a perfect trio for contemplating space, void, and the nature of art.
