What To Do If You Are Passed a Book

Add your petition and pass the book onto someone who will do the same. Please send the book back when full or if you have no one you can pass it to. The deadline of April 1. 2011, is to avoid the postal increase set to happen mid April. Send it back even if you miss the deadline. By putting the Petition Box Project address as the return address also, the additional postage will be covered on this end.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Feedback, in talking with some of my "1 of 100", involves the word responsibility. There is a sense of being responsible, for making sure their book (and this project?) are successful. It is manifested in different ways from connecting and then collecting it back in a group, to one on one interaction like a temporary loan of the book.

"Responsibility" is not what I had originally intended this project to be about. It is a heavily loaded word associated with accountability and consequences that dates back to the 1590s, answerable to another for something. It's etymology, though, is rooted in the word, respond, c. 1300, which sounds much more friendly. It means to answer to, promise in return, relating more to interacting and/or reacting. The ability to respond, interact, react to other people is connecting to them.

My hope for the participants in this project is that the contemporary understanding of 'responsibility' will hone their selection process, to find someone who is also willing "to promise in return", to connect to another person, who will do the same, and continue that connection forward to others who will do the same. In that end, the process will continue to write our collective story into being.

References take from: Online Etymology Dictionary

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